Richard Wylie wins 1st prize for National photography competition

Friday, 09 December 2011 00:00

Richard Wylie wins the Ecology Society of Ausltralia's "Beautiful and Bizarre (Australian wildlife) Category" of their annual 'Ecology in Action' photography competition. He was excited about just being shortlisted but winning the Judges choice came as massive surprise - though a very welcome one! His entry takes out one of the two top prizes of the competition and he also recieves a cheque for $1000 and a framed copy of the winning photo (posted below). Its a wonderful honour and the money will go towards the Euakafa Island Research Centre.


Winning entry to the Ecological Society of Australia'a annual photography competition


"Temperate Jetty Life" was the winning entry to the Ecological Society of Australia's annual photography competition.

The link to the Society's website where you can view the winning entries is: